Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lunches - what to pack!!!!!

Whether you send a child to school, take the kids to the park, head to work, or just want to avoid fast food while out running errands during meal time, packing a lunch can be a life saver!  Take our day today - Teen wanted to purchase (her money please note, she babysits) some craft items.  And it was a nice outdoor day.  Add to that combination we had a day of no time obligations.  So a short trip to the craft store and then time at the park was on our agenda.   But wait, by the time we do lessons (Teen is homeschooled) and a few chores, it will be mid-morning before we even leave the house.  THEN the boys will definitely be hungry, not to mention myself and Teen.  And we had McDonald's yesterday out of necessity and lack of planning on my part. Two days in a row of the Golden Arches is not appealing to me at all!  So I packed heavy snacks for all of us - cartons of yogurt, cheese cubes, peanut butter on crackers, and fruit.  That was our lunch!
But couldn't there be more in my lunch bag.  Doesn't have to be a steak and salad but something with more substance. (Don't get me wrong, I could easily survive on peanut butter and crackers for days, just need some more ideas!)
And the thought of a basic sandwich and chips is about as appealing as the Golden Arches or the King!  Then I found it!  Purely by accident!  A website dedicated to meals for backpacking!  Well, lunch boxes and back packing are very similar - one typically has a campsite while the other has a juice box!  But just look at the recipes and ideas on One Pan Wonders.  Esmeralda Wrap with bacon and avocado.  YUM!  Southwest Black Bean and Couscous Salad - oh my!  I don't have to dehydrate my food for just a few hours.  I can just grab the nifty little freezer packs hidden away in my freezer.  I am so excited to have stumbled upon this site!  Just might have to find another excuse for a picnic soon!

1 comment:

  1. We take snacks and lunches with us when we're going to be gone a long time, too... Saves a lot of money and saves our health even more!

    Great site!
